Day 94: Kirksville, MO

North again, the Fool stopped by the airport to eat a sandwich he packed, sitting against a big water basin. He reached the Knights Inn in Kirksville without incident. He felt like one of the champions of the Round Table because his room had a front and back door. Swallowing his anger at Dominos for bad pizza from two states previous, the Fool called to order their Brooklyn style pie and asked if they’d be able to break a hundred dollar bill. He was assured they would. The delivery woman, however, already nonplussed by the Fool’s appearance in his underwear, balked at the unfamiliar currency. Change was provided at the front desk (the Fool put on pants for the trip). Further confounding the delivery woman, he tendered a tip... apparently not the kind of thing that usually happens when your pizza customer answers the door in skivvies and pays with big French money.

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