Day 119: Steaking Some Ground

The Fool went west on highway 275. About 5 miles later, he was joined by a leaping and bounding stray dog which became his walking companion. The Fool tried to shoo him away but the dog was determined to follow along. The dog kept obliviously wandering into traffic causing cars and trucks to screech to a halt. Finally the cops came and were able to restrain the dog so the Fool could escape over the horizon.

He continued along the hilly, treeless highway, panting under the hot sun for another 11 miles or so. Finally, as the sun started to sink in the sky, our walking friend reached Tony's Steakhouse located in the middle of nowhere.

After a hearty meal, the Fool was invited to camp out in the back by Tony, the gracious owner of the restaurant. Tired and weary of finding a suitable place to camp, the Fool quickly accepted. He thanked Tony and hopped into the backyard. He found a nice soft patch of grass next to the satellite dish and began setting up camp for the night, erecting his tent as patrons continued to dine inside. The folks in the steakhouse were only slightly taken aback when the WF popped inside to brush his teeth, wearing nothing but pajama bottoms.

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