Day 63: Hurine or Urine?

The Fool woke up and walked through the backwoods roads on Indiana, slowly running out of energy. After walking through the tiny town of Huron (which the townfolk pronounced as "Urine") the Fool got mauled by a pack of 10-12 loose dogs. The owner yelled at the growling dogs to come heel, but the angry canines didn't seem to pay much attention. The Fool slowly backed away, trying not to show fear, but the dogs followed. Eventually, as he continued on, the dogs slowly started to drop off one by one until it dwindled down to none. The Fool breathed a sigh of relief... but not for long. He soon discovered that his iPod no longer worked, his cell phone wouldn't power on and he no longer could get any NPR stations on his radio. So, the Fool did what any person would do — cry like a baby.

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