Day 90: A Pondering Fool

It was a hot, hot day for the Fool. He expelled much fluid through his sweat glands during the course of the day. He went to a McDonald's a few miles north of Columbia where some local teens openly mocked him. He didn't care. He then got on Route 63 north — a 4-lane divided highway with a nice wide shoulder to walk on. The fool walked 10 more miles north and found his way to an off the beaten path diner where he got a BLT. The fool suspected that the waitress was hard of hearing, because when he told her he was walking across the country, her response was a bland, "Uh-huh. Do you want a refill on your Mountain Dew?"

He left the Diner and continued north. A few miles later, he sat under an overpass to ponder for a bit. He was considering whether this "heading north into Iowa" business was such a hot idea. Maybe he should had just continued west into Kansas. But then he realized -- he's already where he is. He had to commit. So he pumped his fist in the air, stood up and got back on Route 63 -- NORTH!

The walking fool went a few more miles on the highway until settling down in a nice patch of tall weeds where the ticks welcomed him with many open legs and biting mouths.

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