Early in the week he passed through good old 'Allentown, PA,' famous in song. (Well, one Billy Joel song at least.) A series of coal towns followed, which Mark described as 'creepy and depressing.' He walked over the top of Blue Mountain, where his path crossed that of the Appalachian Trail.

Annoyances: Mark's ankle has been gradually hurting more and more over the past 4-5 days, and he suspects it is sprained. He's planning on spending 2 days at a campsite not far from Sunbury/Lewisburg letting it heal, or almost heal, before hitting the road again.
Good News!
* The blisters seem to be mostly gone!
* Mark has been able to push through almost 20 miles a day for most of this past week.
* There has been a preponderance of Burger King restaurants along his route, meaning he has been feasting on BK salads and BK chicken sandwiches.
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